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Weight Loss Wednesday: Mindset

Today I took this photo for my mom.
56 lbs lighter

Back in late May/early June my mother came up to see the kids perform in the Idaho Falls Temple Cultural Celebration.  It was really a cool show, and I'm super happy my kids were able to participate.  Anyway, while she was here she gave me BOXES of smaller clothes.

That's significant, because at the time I was "just slightly" too big for them, and "in a few months" I "should" be able to fit in them.  There are still some sitting in the back of the closet, including a skirt I adore that I bought myself before I ever heard of Bright Line Eating and just knew that "someday" I would wear it.  I now look at it and dream of serving Christmas dinner while wearing it.

It's funny how we talk to ourselves because we're unsure of future even though we know what we want, but we also know we don't have a way to get there.  I'm so grateful for prayer, and for my Heavenly Father hearing me, hearing my frustration and desperation, and for whatever happened to my brain that helped me do the impossible:  give up sugar.  As in, I started the program and never once have considered "cheating."

Tip:  That's not the norm.

Not that I don't have temptations and so forth.  Every now and then a little voice says, "I'd really like to have," or "That sounds really good," to which I respond, "Yeah, but you've been off that stuff for so long you probably won't like it."  And I mean it.  I probably wouldn't like it!  I accidentally got hold of some pears with Splenda in them a few months ago.  I GAGGED.  (That's probably not what Splenda wants to hear.)

Back to the photo.  I am wearing a little sweater type jacket my mom left behind.  I think it's cute, and it now fits around my chest.  I'm ecstatic about that.  I no longer say, "if" or "someday."  It's now "when" and sometimes I say, "If I keep losing at the same rate that I have been..." because then I can pretty accurately guess where I'll be in a month or three.  I give it the if-word because I am aware that the closer you get to goal weight the slower your body sluffs off the fat.  I still have a long way to go, though, so I'm not really concerned about plateaus for a while yet.

For the curious:  I'm averaging a loss of 10 lbs. a month.  I graph it to keep me motivated even when I have weeks like last week where I eeked one pound off.  Some weeks are like that.   I've had weeks where I jumped around and seemed, according to the scale, to gain weight.

Stay the course.  Isn't that what President Hinckley told us?  Stay the course, keep the faith, do what you know you need to do, have faith, and it will all work out.  In the case of my weight loss, that has seemed to hold true physically as well as spiritually.



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