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61 lbs. released a few wks ago

I've been really busy the past few weeks, and I totally spaced posting on the blog.  I've been out camping with my family, taking the kids to hoards of testing for dyslexia, ADHD and Autism, IEP meetings, taught several lessons on Astronomy, bought a new car because the old one just finally wasn't cutting it anymore, so forth and so on.  I wish I could say I've been writing, but alas, that is finally coming into balance again.  It's been a rough road.

I'm really excited, though, because through all that stress, especially a road trip, I stuck to my "Bright Lines" (Bright Lines = no sugar, no flour, weigh food and eat only 3 times a day unless you have a medical condition, which I don't), and not only have I not gained a pound back, I've lost four.  :)

There is a principle I want to share with you in Bright Line Eating called "REZOOM."  Basically, people fall off the wagon whether it's food, alcohol, smoking, etc.  Or they find themselves doing whatever it was they did before even though they've put new habits in place.  Let's face it, changing a lifetime of habit can be HARD.  
When you find yourself halfway through whatever it is that you popped into your mouth, or you're sitting there looking at your empty glass of beverage that wasn't the best for you, don't despair.  Don't give up.  THIS is the time for REZOOM.  Quickly recommit.  Try again, right that moment.  The moment that you are AWARE, that's when you shove it aside and walk away.  If you continue to do this enough times, your subconscious will wake up and realize you mean business.

I haven't needed to rezoom on Bright Line Eating.  I really want to lose the weight and keep it off.  That's important to me.  However, I have needed that principle for other areas of my life that I'm struggling to change.  For instance, I really want to be an early riser.  So far, I'd had to rezoom my way to a two hour improvement.  I still don't get up at 4:00 am, but I'm a frequent riser between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning because instead of throwing in the towel, I keep rezooming.  That's the thing about true principles - they'll work in any area of your life!

Remember:  It's progression, not perfection we're looking for!

Here's a photo of me last week at the end of our camping trip with all our little ones.  In this photo, you can see I still have a lot of weight to lose:
I'm wearing a XL shirt and a XL sweater - not in "WOMENS!"

I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around it.  I still wear some WOMENS clothes, but they're pretty baggy.
This is only two weeks difference from the B&W photos.

Today I'm two pounds thinner than that photo, making a total of  65 lbs lost.  I've slowed down to average about 1-2 lbs a week, which is healthy.  It's hard after the weight fell off the first few months,
but I don't want to get sick doing this either.  I keep the turtle and the hare in mind often.

And to really give you a perspective, here's what I looked like at my top weight before 
Bright Line Eating:
Wearing 2X-3X WOMENS clothes, and several bra 
sizes larger....  :O

Slow and Steady wins the race - and if you fall, pick yourself up and REZOOM immediately!  I'm telling you, it really does work.  ♥♥♥


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